Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The toilet roll wars

As I write this I can hear the cackling witch-like laughter from my new housemate in her room next door. I desperately want to somehow sew my ears shut because that sound makes my soul cry. I am so sleep deprived.

This flat, in only the last month, has been ravaged by dirtiness, toilet paper roll wars and now loud witch-like laughter in the early hours of the morning. Except when witch girl is not working; then the laughter goes on all day and night.

Sadly, or maybe not so sadly,  I have had to find another place to stay simply because I am losing it. I suppose even more sadder is the fact that I cannot move into this new place until April (44 days, 3 hours & 41 minutes!). Not that I am counting.

I can deal with the overcrowding; 5 people in a 4 bedroom flat with only one kitchen, one shower and one toilet. No, I didn't forget the living room. There isn't one.

But I cannot deal with uncleanliness. As in every pot, pan, plate and bowl used and left in the sink for a couple of days and unwiped table tops. On top of that, I was the only one taking the rubbish out. So after every weekend up in Birmingham (3 nights), I would come home to find filled rubbish bags left in the hall way. It was like a game of chicken - who could hold out the longest. The smelly bags would remain there (and pile up) until I finally gave in and took them out. This was probably at the peak of uncleanliness and of course, one day I lost it. I don't like confrontation but since I was the one who had to stick my hand through dirty dish water to drain the sink just to wash a plate. I hit the roof. I confronted the suspect (girlfriend of a house mate staying there for free!) who then inspected the dirty dishes and denied any involvement. In fact, all the house mates denied any involvement. So like a bunch of kids, I made us all stand in the kitchen and clean at the same time.

I tried the cleaning rota - people just would not do it when it was their turn.

I tried to suggest a cleaner. Everyone agreed so I took the time and effort to locate and book an affordable one only to have one flat mate turn around and say no last minute. I don't know about you, but I always feel massively guilty cancelling a service so last minute. This was no exception.

Oh my goodness, witch girl is laughing again *shudder.

Then came the toilet roll wars. I moved in here in September 2014 and have been supplying the household with toilet paper. At first, I really did not mind. It was not until I would come home from Birmingham late Sunday night and find that all the toilet paper had been used and noone had bothered to replenish it. I got stuck one time and had to shake and air dry before I could hobble to the shower! So naturally, I became petty. When all the uncleanliness came about, I became really petty.

I started to hide my toilet paper.

And guys, seriously no joke - our flat went without toilet paper for nearly two weeks. I did think that maybe they had found my secret stash but I quickly ruled that out because I started to even lock my toilet paper in my room. And there were no signs of my lock being tampered with. I have been watching forensic files so I would know the signs of a tampered lock. Especially my particluar lock because one day I locked my keys inside my room and I had to break into my room with a card. Not once but thrice in the same night (don't ask, I don't know how it happened either).

Anyway, I guess what sealed the deal was when witch girl moved in. She moved in on a Wednesday night and had her friends over. They drank, talked and had turned banging music on. It was 1 am and I was fuming. I came out to politely ask them to shut up only to find two strange men in the kitchen smoking. I was taken aback. Who were these men?! They were taken aback. Probably because I looked like this:

Anyway I didn't care. I asked them to close the door and just keep it down.

Since then, witch girl has been considerate and not asked friends over late on a school night. Instead, she speaks really loudly on the phone to someone at 1 or 2 am. I have to put ear phones in to drown that unfortunate laugh out. She is a nice chick but I can't help but feel some animosity towards her because I am so sleep deprived. 

So I am moving out to a place where my toilet paper (and ears) will be respected.

I'll keep you posted.

x Minhie