Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A world in one city...

After 20 hours of very uncomfortable flying time with airasia plus a 10 hour stop over in KL (compliments of airasia again), I finally arrived in London. At Stansted airport. Only to wait another 3 hours because train lines and shuttle buses did not operate until 5:30am. That's cool, that's ok I didn't mind because I AM in london, a world in one city (and also because I had my trusty muesli snacks).

So plus another 1 and half hour bus trip later I am finally in the heart of the city. I am at Victoria station which is brimming with people, all heading to work and it feels amazing to be here. Well it should feel amazing but all I can bloody think about is how cold it is!!

London, so far, is everything I imagined it to be but more - I expected the gloomy, the wet,the grey, the crowds and the cold. But what I didn't expect was how friendly and helpful people have been or how many trees there are and that yes that the sun does shine here (just rarely).

Maybe I am still in the honey moon phase or more likely just delirious from lack of sleep but whatever it is I am in love with London, I have only been here 42 hours and 6 minutes and I already know I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi its ur cousin David.. Hana told me u were off to london oh god im so jealous =(( LOL but im happy for you~ hope u have fun!
