Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fifty shades of grey

Green and Co is one of my favourite chill out places in Perth. I often like to come here with either friends or just on my own. I could very easily spend a whole day here if time was not of the essence. I find it relaxes me and can sometimes give inspiration for a new blog topic.

Today, I am struggling to decide on a topic simply because there is so much I could write about. I am also very distracted by the buzz that this great little place gives. I take a small sip of my lovely soy latte hoping that an idea will soon pop in to my head.

Nope. Nada. Zilch. I still don't know what to write about.

As I ponder, a beautiful asian woman saunters in to the cafe and seats herself on the sofa opposite to me. I greet her and she dazzles me with a beautiful smile in return. Big eyes, perfect skin, full lips and wavy long hair that cascades around her shoulders. Bitch. Noone should be that beautiful except me of course. She makes herself comfortable and takes out a book. I glance at the title.

Fifty Shades of Grey. Ha. I grin inside knowing full well what that book is about. Dirty girl.


How could I not write about this book? This book has taken the world by storm, evidenced by being number 1 on the top 100 bestseller list on Amazon. You cannot escape it, it is the most common conversation topic between women everywhere these days. Finally, a book about our deepest darkest desires, well maybe not that dark but definitely a fantasy of many women. We love it. Men hate it. Although I am sure they will not be complaining about the sudden spike in libido levels.

Interesting fact. Adult stores across Australia have seen an 80 percent jump in sales for items mentioned in the book. That's right. Even the equestrian stores are enjoying the increase in sales for 'non-horse' related sales of riding crops. Haha.

Reminds me of the saying "If we knew eachother's secrets, what comforts we should find". I never completely understood this saying when I first heard it, but now I fully understand it. Desires, fantasies, deep and what we thought were dark now all come to light because of this book. It is comforting to know that many women have, to some degree, a dirty mind.

This book has been my life this past week, desperately read in every spare moment at home, secretly at work and even at traffic light intersections. I am already half way through the second book of the trilogy. Besides the erotic nature of this book (trust me, the shock value does wear off), EL James has done a marvellous job in developing the characters. I often hear myself talking out loud, well ok that is not something so unusual for me, either cursing, slapping or praising the actions of the characters, particularly Anastasia, throughout the book. I find myself giggling, laughing, getting cross and even blushing at different points of the story. I feel like I am there and that is what I think makes EL James a fantastic writer.

It has been a long time since I have so immensley enjoyed a novel so thank you EL James. Needless to say I am very pleased that this is a trilogy as it will prolong my enjoyment. I will be distraught as the story comes to an end but you know what they say - all good things must come to an end. But lucky for me that end is not today. Back to the book.

Laters babes...!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Friday the 13th and the allied health care team.

Hello I'm the gingerbread man! Let's be friends!
Oh hey now there... Ho ho that's a bit rough. My physiotherapist is not going to like that!

Ok now you have also pissed off my occupational therapist!

Oh my god! Not the buttons! Get me my nurse! I am naked and I need to be cared for!

Can I please talk to my social worker?

Happy Friday the 13th!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Little Red Riding Hood

I never thought I could love again after George. He was beautiful. Sure, he was a bit cranky at the best of times but that was George. He was my old boy blue. I think of him often, wishing I had really cherished the last time I had had with him. Everything was just so rushed in that final moment with me running out the door for the last time, dragging my oversized suitcase behind me. I was late for the train again. Even after two years of frequently using public transport, I still did not get it right. But that was all he ever knew of me, always running, always late and always rushing him to get anywhere. No wonder he was so cranky.

I didn't want to look back. I wanted to be ignorant of the fact that I would never see him again. I wanted to pretend that it was like any other short holiday I had taken, promising that I'd be back so soon that he wouldn't even know that I had gone. I chanced a sneak peek. There he was. If he was upset, he didn't show it. He looked a little worn, older and majestic even. My heart wanted to break, so I turned back before it had a chance and kept running.

I truly lost a part of me that day.

When I first saw her picture I was hesitant. She was gorgeous and you could tell that she had a vibrant personality. But George was still on my mind, I didn't want her. I was content with Alfred aka Alfie, a long time companion of my parents. The Yankee was persistant. I think he knew it would be good for me to meet her. So he flew me over to Sydney, put me up in a beautiful hotel and had sent me a long email in preparation for when I met her.

I did not warm to her when we first met. Not like I had with George. The Yankee loved her and immediately made arrangements for her to become a permanant part of our lives. Even when she arrived that early July morning, I was still distant. I know she was confused and even hurt at my aloofness. But the truth is I had put up a defence wall, scared to love her like I had loved George. I couldn't keep that wall up for long though. She was fun, feisty and hard to control sometimes. You could not miss her when she was present. A vast difference to Alfred, who was always grumpy, full of groans and getting on a bit in his years.

I couldn't help but love her.

Welcome to the family little red riding hood

Little Red Riding Hood

Alfie looking senile as ever
RIP George