Saturday, August 4, 2012

Picasso! Warhol! Jazz! drunk...

7:05 pm Arrive at the Art gallery with time to spare before the Jazz performance begins. 

7:15 pm Drop by the cocktail bar for some well earned wine.

7:20 pm Greet and compliment the bartender on his well kept beard. 

7:25 pm Delighted bartender recommends a glass of Chardonnay. Yum. Crisp and light. 

7:30 pm Jazz performance begins. I sit back and think to myself what a perfect way to end the week. You can't beat listening to a good live jazz band prior to viewing some amazing artwork on a Friday evening.

7:35 pm Converse with Jenny Tham about the beauty of jazz, the theories behind artwork and how wonderful the wine is. We definitely need to do this more.

7:40 pm Drunk

8:00 am Wake up in bed with the horrible realisation that I am late for work

I am not sure what happens really. I always reflect the day after when I am feeling a bit precious and I want nothing more than a cuddle. I try to figure the precise moment it happens. The moment your vision is distorted, when your speech becomes a bit slurred or your cheeks feel like they are on fire and then all of a sudden everything you drink seems to taste 'really amazing'. It is all over red rover by the time my brain figures it out.

I look back and think to myself, I should have seen the signs and then maybe, just maybe I would not have had that extra drink which tipped me over. Ok you got me, I would not have taken that extra sip that sent me over and then maybe, just maybe I would not have killed all those stick people either. I don't even remember the artwork, just a whirlwind of campbell soup, colourful imagery and distorted paintings of animals. Then bed.

I'm glad that I will be visiting the exhibition again when the Yankee arrives. It will be like my first time again. I might just hold off on that one glass of wine though.

Oh and just look at what I found in the urban dictionary:

Cadbury (ˈkædbərɪ)
  1. A person who is easily affected by alcohol
  2. Any individual who cannot hold their liquor
  3. Minh

Who is more red?
Go figure.


  1. Your spew bucket behind you on your right. But then I'm colour blind. Nothing is red.

  2. lol Oh Gav, thank goodness you never considered disarming bombs as a career!
