Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Kidnapped since christmas!

Ok so I wasn't really kidnapped since christmas, I have just been too busy (and sometimes too lazy) to keep my blogs up to date! But it got your attention, didn't it? Just briefly, before I begin my travelling blogs, a quick update on my here there everywhere life.

UK life
Well london has now become Birmingham life. I hate to admit it but I am now a brummie girl (without the accent phew!). When I first started work here all I could think of was "I have got to get me out of this hill billy town ASAP" and now...6 months (no 8 months) later I'm thinking to myself "I don't want to leave my hill billy friends :(". Life is settled here. I have a routine.I have made some good quality friends. I have George (who is grumbling at me at being uninsured at the moment but that’s a different story) and of course I have the gym (useful for gym junkies - again another story).

I have been lucky to stay in the same workplace where I help patients recover from traumatic brain injuries via rehab. I love my work but it is hard work. This contract will continue to the end of May - hopefully they will extend my contract.

Still at the student accomodation with no shower - just a bath. Been using the gym for showers instead. Lately, the flat has begun to fall apart (my hot tap doesn’t work, the hot tap in the bath tub doesn’t work, the entire water system groans loudly every time I flush the toilet). I also dislike my housemate who smells. I am possibly moving to another house with 8 other housemates at the beginning of June but this is dependent on my job situation.

As it is my last year, I am trying to cram in as much holidays as I can afford. So far I have travelled to Austria, Iceland, Portugal and Morroco since christmas!

So sorry for the boring - ness of the above but as promised it is just a quick one!

Get ready for a bombardment of travel blogs to follow!


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