Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Strike one against the housemates

My weekend was brilliant, a total relaxing one with Joyjit which ended perfectly with the 'Back to the future' trilogy on Sunday night. I was in bed by 10pm ready for a good night rest in preparation for my first day of work. For some reason, at 1am, my house mates decided to have a very loud conversation in middle eastern/english language in the kitchen; the kitchen is next to my room. I thought that they were having an argument and from the sounds of it, it was getting out of control. I mean what other reason could be urgent enough for housemates to have a conversation at 1 AM!? I thought that I might have to intervene but shoot I didn't know what the number was for emergency in the UK. So I googled it incase shit got real (It is 999 btw if you readers wanted to know). Anyway, I listened more carefully and finally started to piece together what was being said. It turns out that the ass holes were discussing the best way to diet.

I didn't know what to do. My internal dialogue was going mental.
Do I go out and ask them to shut the hell up and risk being the dickhead housemate? I don't even know them that well! or do I just lie here and hopefully they will stop?
Passiveness kicked in. So I waited another 10 minutes but the conversation did not sound like it was going to end.
Ok should I just go out and ask if they were alright pretending that I thought they were having an argument? or should I make a lot of noise in the room? Maybe I should pretend I am going to the toilet in hopes that they will get the picture? 
Passiveness really kicked in. I decided to use a white noise app on my phone and tried to go back to sleep. No go. I could not drown out their voices with the white noise. I was becoming increasingly frustrated and started to curse and call them every bad name under the sun. Quietly, of course; I didn't want to wake anyone else up. I must have tossed and turned for awhile because when I next looked at the clock it was 2 AM!

Finally I had had enough. I was so angry that I jumped out of bed and stomped towards the door. Just as I was about to open my door, I realised that it was silent. Well kind of. I swear I could almost hear the housemates holding their breath. Next thing I heard was the scuttling of my housemates each returning to their rooms.

Awesome. I sure showed them (not)!

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