Monday, September 8, 2014

Harrow London!

I am sat on my bed in my new room; finally, I have a moment to breathe. Relaxation mode has set in: my weekly facial done; delicious dinner consumed; I am tucked into my newly washed bed linen; and I have a cup of hot steaming tea beside me. #winning.

The Perth goodbyes were very emotional so I welcomed the craziness that came with the last 7 days as a distraction. It turns out that the hospital accommodation I was promised fell through; this meant a mad rush to find the right place to live in. It also meant a lot of walking. I didn't realise how unfit I had become until Joyjit pointed out that I was panting and leaning heavily on him after a 15 -20 minute walk. I had forgotten that no one in London uses their car to drive 5 minutes down the road to the shops; otherwise, I would have trained for this.

I viewed about 5 different properties that were no good for a variety of reasons: weird people; weird smells; too dark; too small; too far to walk; and one place requested vegan only (even my vegetarian-ness was not enough!). The well located places in my price range were fast running out and I found myself having to search for rooms further and further away from work. I was becoming stressed, I was becoming moody and I wanted to stop walking so much. First world problems, as Joyjit would gently remind me, which pretty much shut me up.

Suddenly, we were down to the last place that was in the same suburb as the hospital. The next potential place would be several suburbs away. Well someone must be watching out for me because this room ticked every little thing that was on my list: close to work; within walking distance to a massive sainsburys; bright room; great price; clean; and very spacious. I cancelled the next rental viewing on the spot and snapped up the room before the agent could say desperate.

The place.
Poor Joyjit being dragged around with me
I became one of those people who bring small suitcases to ridiculously cheap stores like Primark and Argos

View from the window
Nothing beats a 2 in 1 dressing table/clothing drawers

The royal headquarters

Big grin!
Next week, I will begin my new job as a rotational Occupational Therapist at Central Middlesex hospital. I will let you know how it goes. X