Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Starting to miss home

I hate emotional stuff. It usually involves being serious, you generally look really sad, nothing is really funny, it sometimes can include a swollen, ugly, puffy face (from crying) and you often feel like shit. It definitely is not fun. A completely undesirable state of being if you ask me.

But nonetheless, I can’t escape it. WHAT THE HELL.

Up until today, I was living in bliss. Carrying out the usual work, eat, rest and play routine. Pretty much living the life I did back home except for the minor difference that I am in London and it is the most awesomeest city (yes I know that’s not a word), and that there are endless opportunities for fun and so many more people to meet and so many new places to explore and…well that’s just it! The list of things to do here never seems to end!!

Those thoughts and feelings of excitement died today. Actually, I’m surprised it survived for this long.

In any case, I now miss home.

I perhaps (just maybe) got a bit teary eyed. Ok so there might have been the rare tear drop or two… or three or four, alright I bawled my eyes out. I don’t suppose listening to ‘All by myself’ (by Eric Carmen) really helped things much either. But there you go I’ve said it.

I miss home.

Only 6 weeks in too.

What an emotional pussy I am :)

1 comment:

  1. Helloooo Mihn,

    Stumbled across your blog purely by accident! Small world eh? Very amusing stories. You must update it more often. What are you up to these days? anymore travel?

    Sharni xx
