Thursday, December 2, 2010


My one month in Australia was a blur because it really did pass in a blur. Working full time probably wasn’t a good idea and I think I had too many burgers at grilled. Never the less, it was good to be home and be reminded that you actually do have a family who loves you and that you actually do have more than 3 friends (and they are not your housemates either). Almost like being recharged for the next stint in London. But to be honest, I was ready to be back in London by the time that one month came around (By that stage I just had had one too many ‘”Minh, have you made your bed?” “Minh, clean up your room a bit” “Minh, you go out too much” etc).

Accomodation consisted of a single mattress on the floor at my parents place. I shared it with two cockroaches and a few spiders. I’m proud to say that I won when it came to who got the bed (I guess I should really thank my mum seeing as she helped me a little bit but I‘d still like to point out that I was the one who went to get mum to retrieve them from my room).

It was like mum and dad were making up for lost time by overwhelming me with food, clothes, guilt trips and nagging. It’s no secret that my mum has a serious shopping issue - and this applies to anything and everything that is on sale. When I was still living in Australia, she bombarded me with hundreds of clothes from the bargain bin. They usually were the same design but different colours and ‘all under $5!’ (she would excitedly claim). You were screwed if you didn’t like the design. What am I to do with all these different colored shirts that have elvis imprinted on them? Apparently, this bargain clothing tradition still continued - even while I was away. Evident by my wardrobe (which takes up one whole side of my room) being completely overfilled with tens no make that hundreds of the same shirts/pants/shorts desgins but in all the colours of the rainbow. Dad, Mr. punctual, continued his ritual of waking me up at 6:30 am on the dot - something he used to do when I was still at school even though I had a perfectly good alarm to do the job. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I actually didn’t need to get up until 7:45 for work. That’s parents for you. But I soaked up all that parenting love like a sponge since it‘ll be awhile before I get the next lot.

I don’t know what things I could say about my time with my nephew to make you guys laugh except that you can’t say the word ‘wiggles’ out loud otherwise he‘d be at the TV saying ‘more?’. All I can say is that he is beautiful.

I was a bit worried that I might be out of sync when it came to catching up with my old buddies again. But when I saw them all gathered around the Wii playing tetris ( while very dressed up in dressy clothes) I wondered what could have ever made me feel like I would ever be out of sync with these guys lol. This was further reinforced when my besties and I spent all night on the home karaoke in our pyjamas singing and dancing. A night out in town could never beat that.

So that was Orrrstrayylia in a nutshell. Gosh even this very blog sounded rushed - which is very appropriate for this topic as this is exactly how I felt during my whole time in Oz.

Ok I gotta go - Thankyoucomeagain!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you have more than 3 friends here!
    You've got me and Chris.
    That's a whole 5!

    One more and you'll be able to use your other hand to count us :)
