Thursday, December 2, 2010

Secret confession.

I have a secret to confess. I have never really enjoyed hot weather. Yep. That’s right. My skin cringes at the thought of hot, dry (or even humid) weather. Thank god my parents got out of Vietnam and into Australia before I was born. I'm not sure I could handle the humid weather 24/7. Even so, you will never catch me without my blanket/umbrella/sunscreen on a sunny day in Australia. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still have a clear blue sky with a bright yellow sun on the side please…but minus the heat if you wouldn’t mind.

When I first touched down in Perth (for my one month stay in OZ), it was a clear blue sky with the airplane captain reporting that it was roughly 24 - 25 degrees - a beautiful day in Perth. Nice weather I thought to myself, but by the time I got into my parents car from the airport I was perspiring profusely, red faced and blinded by the brightness. I guess you have to expect that after spending your last 6 months in grey and cooler (yes, I’ll say ‘grey’ and ‘cooler’ rather then just ‘shit’) weather.

In any case, the clear blue skies and bright bright sun really did have a positve effect on my mood. I was so happy to be home. Oh… and I guess seeing my family played a part in that too lol. For those of you who don’t know, I have since sold my car while I was in London - which meant I was carless. Which meant walking. Which meant sun. Which initially meant bliss since my skin was craving some vitamin D. Which then quickly turned into dread after the first hour of walking in the hot hot sun. Needless to say, my skin quickly got over the craving for vitamin D. It was only hour one of day one and I had nineteen days left of walking to work everyday. Slip slop slap became my best friends again.

When I touched back down in London, I was a bit scared when the captain of the plane announced that it would be 6 degrees. I noted that he did not mention that it was beautiful weather either. But my skin truly rejoiced when it felt the cold, crisp air as I was making my way up that bloody hill (with a 30kg suitcase I might add) to my home in Wimbledon. I felt so awake and so alive. When I got back to Birmingham for work the weather was even colder. Then lo and behold! It started to snow. Wonderful white snow. I know I have George now (my micra) but I still prefer my daily walk to work because I find it so refreshing. Even now as I am typing this blog - I am watching the snow fall outside my window. It is beautiful. The sky is clear. The ground is white. I'm looking forward to a white christmas.

How could you not prefer the snow over a stinkin’ hot sun?

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