Saturday, June 23, 2012

Addiction. Actually, make that addictions...

I would say that I have an addictive personality. The "Do you have an addictive personality?" test, run by okcupid, said so.That cute little cyber cupid looked like he knew his stuff. So it must be true. I mean who else can get away with flying around naked all the time while shooting arrows at everybody's butt?

There have been many addictions in my life. Some good, many bad. Duration averaging at least a month with some still ongoing.

Not so long ago it was cadbury's marvelous creations chocolate. The jelly candy popping one.


Before that it was protein bars.

A one month trip to Vietnam saw me eating red rice chicken everyday. Twice a day. Sometimes three.

For as long as I can remember, it had to be spaghetti bolognaise, until I gave up meat that is.

Then there was a time I could not see past hot delicious chips. What am I talking about?! This is an addiction still raging strong.

Oh and then bloody warburton crisps walked into my life. If you are in England reading this, get the salt and pepper pita variety. If you are in Birmingham reading this, you can find them at Selly oak Sainsburys, 3rd aisle from the end. You might be lucky and find that they are still selling two big packets for 2 pounds. Get in there and stock up.


But it hasn't always been about food.

For ten years I have been addicted to exercising every single day. Different fitness regimes with spin being the latest craze. Oh and the iphone games like draw something and words with friends, can't forget that. I even used to be addicted to sucking my finger until a very old age. What?! Don't judge me.

So what is my latest addiction? Well I know a picture is worth a thousand words but a video is a million times better!




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