Saturday, August 23, 2014

Why am I going back to cold weather and whinging poms?

I am sitting on my ikea couch, finally having a moment to still my mind and be conscious of my nearly emptied out shed (aka my granny flat). My life has been neatly packed into 4 boxes.

I am finally here, but it certainly did not feel quick to get here.

My life for the last year has been entirely consumed by this move to England and with it, of course, came a roller coaster of emotions.

I suppose it is time to let the cat out of the bag.
Please do not try this at home.

I am pregnant.

Just kidding. But this is what I told my mum right before I announced that I was moving back to England. So you could say that she took the news well once she had recovered from the pregnant statement because apparently, nothing could be worse than a single asian pregnant woman in the twentieth century.

Next came the million dollar question, "Why?". So I rambled on about how life in the UK was great, less sun, more rain, cold weather, fantastic lifestyle etc. She saw straight through this and in more or less words, told me to cut the bullshit.

"You are doing this for a boy".

Yup. She hit the nail on the head.

I suppose I should explain.

When it comes to talking about my current relationship status, I always approach with caution. I have this irrational fear that if I announce a new love loudly and proudly, I will jinx myself. Of course this would mean the immediate demise of the relationship and the world would end and worse of all, another ex would be added to my ex collection. So for irrational reasons, I kept this quiet to the world by not changing my relationship status on Facebook.

But now that crunch time is in 8 more days, I guess I really should let the cat out of the bag. Just who is this mysterious man that managed to trick me into moving my whole life over to the England? Well. You know the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words...

The Bindian

We had met ages ago in 2010 but we finally got together last year when I went to visit the UK. Now he will tell you that I tricked him into this long distance relationship but don't be fooled. Just look at his picture, would you trust that face?

Unfortunately, I did. 

Now I find myself in an empty shed with a one way ticket to London :).

My decision to go was not always met with positive responses. Particularly since I had made the decision in a week after we had only been dating for a few months. Yeah I can see why family and close friends were screaming about red flags popping up everywhere. But I could also see me holding a big green flag and doing the macarena. It is all about perspective, I am 30 with another, hopefully, 40 years ahead of me. I am young, so now is the best time to take risks and take chances because there is plenty of time ahead to make up for anything that needs to be made up.

Besides, sometimes you know that a decision is right for you, even if there is no clear logic behind it, because it just feels right.

Now here I sit, packed.
I have my sponsorship visa in hand.
I have my airplane ticket.
I have a job to go to.
I have my life.

Now all there is left to do is to just go.

But geez louise I am hating these goodbyes.


  1. Hmmm, yeah I said Hmmm, happy sad

  2. Goodbyes are sad but on the flipside there are lots of hellos waiting for you on the other end =)
    (I nearly had a heart attack when i saw the pregnant comment!)

  3. Can't wait to catch up with you over a cup of tea and cake!!!
