Thursday, August 14, 2014

Celebrations & Grievances: 2014 so far...

Every 6 to 12 months or so I decide that I have something to write about again. I am feeling good, I am feeling refreshed and I am feeling super motivated. So I get online, I start anew and I write. Which is how it should be, until I discovered this time round that in my previous enthusiasms, I had started several other blogs with many unfinished posts that were scattered across Tumblr, Blogspot, Wordpress and even Quora.

I have so many.

Thus began the culling process and unexpectedly a reminiscence session of times of when I was down, up and just scattered in the last couple of years. Some posts I wish that I had finished, some posts I am very glad that they remained unposted and others were just plain jane boring. But never the less I am glad that I am here culling down to just one blog.

So hi everyone, it really is good to see you again.

"It is usually a celebration or grievance that will bring a group of people together. But in this case, it is both a celebration and grievance that Minh is leaving. Celebration that she is moving up in the world (literally) and a grievance because we are losing her". This was the introduction of a farewell speech spoken by one of my work colleagues at my leaving do yesterday. His words touched me on a deeper level that not many people could ever know. For this year up until now has been a mixture of joy, frustration and deep sadness for me. I am celebrating that I will be moving to England indefinitely but I am grieving because I am leaving a lot behind.

The process has not been easy. The parents, as much as I love them, have had much to do with this. Dad has been silent and withdrawn about the inevitable move. Mum has been opposite, frequently reminding me that it is another bad decision that will end up like every other mistake that I have made in my failing life. Sometimes I can wear this on the chin because I know, I really know, that deep down they love me and that they don't want to see me go. But other times I lash out because I am frustrated and hell, I am only human too. It is not a pretty sight. Sticks and stones may break bones but words do hurt. Sometimes I think fractures may be easier to deal with because at least it will heal quicker. Patience. Patience. Patience. I must constantly remind myself of this because I have hope that one day they will see that my decision is right for me.

The happier part to this though is my joy joy joy of being reunited with Joy(jit) and of course, England. Can you remember what it felt like to be a child looking forward to going to the movies or just out with friends? Time would slow right down for me, I could never sleep the couple of nights before and I would always feel like I could burst with how happy and excited I felt. This is the feeling that I wake up to every day (once I do fall asleep), now that the count down has begun.

I hope to stay in touch and post regularly but deep down I think we all know that I am and will always be a hit and miss kind of blogger :).

For your reference:
Here is a picture of the cause of my celebrations and grievances for the year 2014 (in a good way).

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