Tuesday, August 19, 2014

He loves me

From the moment I first laid eyes on him, I was caught hook, line and sinker.
My love level went from 0 km per hour to 220 in an instant.
I loved him whole heartedly and I did not even know him. 
It was a dangerous kind of love. 
The kind that knew no boundaries, no conditions and no limits. 
I was a goner from the start.

You could say that I was transient for large chunks in time. So I suppose he never had the chance to get to know me well. I guess that kind of makes me feel better if I think of it that way.
But in hindsight, I do not know how I managed to get through every physical and emotional rejection that he threw my way.

I would try to give him a hug. He would push me away.
I would try to kiss him on the cheek. He would turn his head.
I would say hello. He would refuse to say it back.

He would clearly state no to every expression of love that I offered to him. It was gut-wrenching. But still I would come back for more.

I tried different tactics and strategies based on advice from friends and family.
"Spend more time with him"
"Maybe you are just too full on"
"Bribe him with food"
"Try not to look too eager"

I did this. I did that. I did it for the last two years. It didn't feel like anything was changing. It didn't feel like our relationship had improved.

But then just the other day, something amazing happened.

I told him that I had to go. He asked me to stay for ten minutes longer.
I asked him for a hug. He walked into my arms willingly.
I told him that I was leaving for England, he asked me why would I do that?
I promised him that we would Skype. He agreed as long as we skyped for every day that I was out of Perth.
I told him that I would visit next year. He said okay, but when I did come to visit, could I just stay?

These photos are a little bit outdated but for some reason he does not like to take photos (especially with me). I am working on it though.

It has not been easy. But I suppose the things that are worth it never usually are.

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